The Source of Healing Energy

Tapping into the Universal Life Force

In the practice of energy healing, one of the most fundamental questions that arises is: where does the healing energy come from? What is the source of the transformative power that flows through the hands of energy healers, guiding clients towards a state of balance, harmony, and wholeness? The answer lies in the concept of the Universal Life Force—an omnipresent, pure energy that permeates all of creation.

Understanding the Universal Life Force

At the heart of energy healing is the recognition that we are all connected to a universal source of energy—an infinite reservoir of pure, life-giving force that flows through every living being and the entire cosmos. This energy is known by many names across cultures—Chi, Prana, Qi, or simply, the Universal Life Force. It is the essence of all existence, the animating power behind every breath we take and every beat of our hearts.

Tapping into Pure Energy

Energy healers act as conduits for this divine energy, channeling it through their hands and into the energetic field of their clients. Through focused intention, presence, and compassion, they create a sacred space for clients to connect with this pure energy and receive its healing benefits. In essence, energy healing brings clients into direct communion with the Universal Life Force, allowing them to bask in its radiant light and release that which no longer serves them.

Releasing What Does Not Serve

As clients immerse themselves in the pure energy of the Universal Life Force, they are gently guided to release energetic blockages, traumas, and imbalances that may be holding them back from experiencing true vitality and well-being. Whether it be physical pain, emotional wounds, or spiritual stagnation, energy healing offers a pathway to liberation—a chance to let go of the old and make room for the new.

Entering the Flow State

In the state of pure energy, clients experience a profound sense of relaxation, peace, and inner harmony. It is here, in the embrace of the Universal Life Force, that true healing occurs—a deep recalibration of body, mind, and spirit, restoring balance and wholeness on every level of being.


Energy healing is not just about manipulating energy—it's about connecting with the infinite wellspring of pure energy that resides within and around us. By tapping into the Universal Life Force, energy healers facilitate a process of deep healing and transformation, guiding clients towards a state of alignment, vitality, and joy. As we surrender to the flow of pure energy, we open ourselves to the limitless possibilities of healing, growth, and awakening that await us on this sacred journey of life.

Much Love & Many Blessings,

Jenny Ocean


Embracing Unity: Energy Healing Beyond Religious Divides


Unlocking the Mysteries of Energy Healing