Healing starts at home.

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Essential Oil Blending Class Infused with Reiki Home Party

Would you like to share the power of Energy Healing and Essential Oils with your friends?

Our Certified Energy Healers guide you and your guests as they teach the art of grounding, oil selection, and blending. We work with each guest to tap into their intuition to enable them to create a custom blend that suits their needs.

Our in house oil specialist creates blends for each season and event. These blends assist with your day to day needs. Whether you are battling seasonal allergies or feeling the stress of preparing for a big event, we will create the blend to fit your party need.

Each guest will receive one custom oil blend with roller bottle, instruction and guidance on muscle testing, and time with a Certified Energy Healer.

Other fun add-ons:

  • Crystal Infusion

  • Group Energy Blessing

  • 15 minute Energy Healing

  • Additional Oil Blends with Roller Bottle

For more information and to begin to plan your party please fill out the short questionnaire or call 702-706-1565