Home & Office Clearing

Moving into a new home or office? Does your space feel heavy, uninspiring, gloomy, or the need of an energetic spring-cleaning?

A house clearing is an energy-clearing session for your home or office space!  Just like our physical or energetic bodies, the spaces we live and work in can absorb energy. When the energy becomes too heavy it is time to clear, cleanse, and protect your space on an energetic level.

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  • Description text goes hereHome energy clearing, also known as space clearing or energetic cleansing, is a practice aimed at removing negative or stagnant energy from your living space and creating a harmonious and positive environment. It is based on the belief that the energy within a home can become imbalanced or cluttered over time, affecting the well-being and energy of its occupants.

  • Energy healing is not associated with any religious belief or practice. Energy makes up all objects in our physical and metaphysical world. This energy can be shifted for the positivity of those around us.

  • Home energy clearing is a simple and effective way to refresh and maintain the positive energy in your living or work space. It is often used to support emotional and spiritual well-being and to create a more harmonious environment for both physical and energetic health.

    If you find yourself making these statements it may be time for an energy clearing.

    “This space does not feel right.”

    “I am uncomfortable in this space.”

    “I feel as if something eery is hear with us.”

    “I feel ill in this space.”

  • Yes.

    Often times our spaces are in need of maintenance to keep the energy harmonious. Regular clearing keeps our spaces in this positive energy, just like regular dusting.

    At times, the energy in a space needs assistance from an expert. This is recognized when we attempt our regular cleansing and do not experience the same uplifting feel in the space. A Master healer has further training in the art of healing to help shift stagnant energy, entities, and vortexes.

  • If you are in need of a Home Office Energy Clearing it is best to utilize an expert. Master Healers have a deeper understanding of energy, work with energy daily, and trained to complete ceremonies. This is best to ensure your home or office is complete in the energy clearing ceremony so not to allow anything negative to enter the space.