Our Mission

The Healing Sisterhood’s  mission is to illuminate and guide our fellows along the path to joy, healing, and boundless possibility.  We are dedicated to fostering a nurturing sanctuary where souls can embark on a journey of self-discovery, breaking free from fear and doubt to embrace the transformative power of energy healing.

Our Commitment

We commit to being beacons of light, guiding individuals towards a life filled with happiness and purpose. Through the harmonious practices of many energy healing modalities, we aspire to instill a sense of serenity, balance, and vitality in the lives of those who seek our support.

Modalities Include:

  • Reiki

  • Sound Healing

  • Shamanism

  • Medical Qi Gong

  • Quantum Reiki

  • Atlantean Reiki

  • Spiritual Coaching

  • Mindfull Meditation

Continued Path of Healing

We believe in the enduring nature of healing. Our commitment extends beyond singular sessions, offering a continuous path of healing that evolves with each individual's unique journey. We stand by our community, supporting them through every step of their transformative process.  A balance of individual sessions with multiple healers and group meditation will often yield substantial and lasting results.