The Universal Healer

Expanding Beyond Reiki

Embark on a transformative exploration of energy healing with our exclusive Universal Healer Course. Uncover the distinctive language of your healing journey as this course seamlessly integrates Reiki I & II with The Universal Healer's advanced training.

What is the Universal Healer?

The Universal Healer, a practitioner of the healing arts that is not limited or bound by any one modality. This healer understands that all healing energies come from the Universal Life Force; unconditional love. They are open to the limitless possibilities of healing and remembering the numerous gifts learned by many over many lifetimes.

The path of the Universal Healer spans their entire life. It is a continued practice and awakening of seeking the expansiveness of themselves, conquering fear of all forms, and connecting to the greater consciousness.

Course includes:

  • History of Energy Healing

  • Reiki I & II

  • Introduction to Symbols

  • 7 Energetic Senses

  • Developing Healer Abilities

  • Framework of a Healing Session

  • Energy Healing Attunement

  • Awaken Psychic Gifts

  • Hands on training

  • Live Demonstrations

  • Ongoing mentorship

  • Lunch

Reconnect with Ancient Healing

Whether you're a novice or an intermediate practitioner, our in-person and online sessions cater to diverse learning styles, emphasizing hands-on training, live demonstrations, and personalized attunements.

Unlock Your Healing Potential with The Universal Healer Course!

Upon completing The Universal Healer Course, participants not only attain Reiki I & II certifications but also receive the prestigious Universal Healer Certification. This comprehensive training equips individuals with the skills to administer healing in various impactful ways:

  • Graduates will possess the knowledge and techniques to facilitate their own healing journey, fostering personal growth and well-being.

  • Participants will not only master self-healing techniques but also progress to a practitioner level, honing the art of facilitating transformative healing experiences for individuals seeking their guidance.

  • Armed with the power of universal life force energy, participants can extend healing vibrations to individuals across distances, transcending physical boundaries.

  • Graduates gain the ability to share the transformative benefits of energy healing with children, fostering a sense of balance, calmness, and holistic growth.

  • The Universal Healer Course empowers practitioners to connect with and provide healing energy to our furry and feathered friends, promoting their overall well-being.


  • Energy Healing is a natural and innate intelligence embedded within our genetic structure. In simple terms, it's like a vital force, known as Universal Life Force that dances through our mind, body, and spirit. This energy orchestrates growth, nurtures health, sustains life, and weaves the tapestry of healing.

  • Description text goes hereIf you have an open heart, a desire to live life from a place of love, and are seeking to deepen your connection to the Universe and the energy that flows through us and around us, then you are perfectly suited to learn energy healing. Regardless of your background or experience, the journey of becoming an energy healer is open to all who are ready to embrace the transformative power of love and universal energy.