Embracing the Full Moon in Sagittarius

Unlocking Truth, Connection, and Courage

As you welcome the Full Moon in Sagittarius on Thursday, May 23, the Universe, your higher self, and your guides have a few requests of you. This powerful lunar phase is a time to embrace truth, deepen your connections, release what holds you back, and take bold leaps of faith. Here’s how to best use this vibrant energy:

1. Unveil the Truth and Release What Holds You Back

The Full Moon in Sagittarius shines a light on what you have been in denial or illusion of. It's time to remove the blinders and be open to the truths about yourself and others. Reflect on areas of your life where you might be avoiding reality. Are there truths you've been reluctant to face? This full moon is also a powerful time to release the illusions and barriers that have been holding you back from your divine purpose and manifestations. Identify the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Write them down and consciously release them, making room for new, positive energies to enter your life. Awareness and letting go of these hindrances allow you to move forward with clarity and purpose.

2. Make Room for Connection

Your guides have been reaching out to you, offering guidance and support. But have you been listening? In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to miss the subtle messages from the Universe. Dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to meditate or journal your dreams, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. This practice helps clear your mind and open your heart to the guidance you’ve been seeking. Everything you've been manifesting and asking of the Universe is being answered. Ensure you're creating space to hear and answer the call.

3. Take a Leap of Faith

Sagittarius energy urges you to be courageous, adventurous, curious, honest, and blunt. The Universe and your guides are nudging you towards the next steps needed to accomplish your divine purpose. This is a time to harness the fearless spirit of Sagittarius and take that leap of faith you've been contemplating. Trust that you will not fall—the Universe is there to catch you. Whether it’s starting a new project, pursuing a passion, or making a life-changing decision, now is the time to act.

Harnessing Sagittarius Energy

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a potent time for your growth and expansion. By embracing the truth, connecting deeply with your inner guidance, releasing what holds you back, and taking bold actions, you align yourself with the abundant energies of the Universe.

Remember, this journey is about trusting the process and believing in the limitless support available to you. Use this lunar phase to unlock new possibilities, venture into the unknown, and embrace the adventures that lie ahead.

May the Full Moon in Sagittarius light your path with truth, connection, and courage.

Muck Love & Many Blessings,

Jenny Ocean

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